Sadly, I think the strain of sexism in America is distinct. For whatever reason, we have a big hangup about women leaders. Even Mexico has a female leader now--along with Italy, Taiwan, etc. Maybe American men are more insecure?

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I understand what you're saying and I've been thinking about this a lot since Tuesday, as I'm sure we all have. It does give me some hope though that Biden was elected with a woman VP, and Haley was the last person standing in the GOP primaries, until Trump put an end to all that. Twenty-five percent of governors are women. Many large city mayors are women. I think we'll eventually get to the very top.

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Love the analysis and use of Plath’s “Daddy.” Let’s rally round the last line where she says “Daddy you bastard, I’m through.”

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Perfectly put, thanks

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Margaret Thatcher did well at the polls, though she was the mother to two children. She presented as a strong leader. They wouldn't have liked her on chat shows like The View, but she would likely have done well on Rogan's podcast.

People are looking different attributes in a POTUS than they are in a middle school principal.

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It all makes me want to cry, but that passes. Instead, women like you, yes you Vivia, and me and many others need to show by doing good work in various self-determined roles that we do not need daddies any more. What we do need are cohorts, friends, spouses, lovers and comrades of all sexual identities.

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I am beyond tears at this point.

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Is it churlish to point out that Plath's father was not a fascist? I believe she wrote that poem during the media frenzy over the Diary of Anne Frank movie. She seems to have exploited her father's German heritage to advance her literary career....not that there's anything wrong with that.

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You are correct, of course.

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